Diarrhea in Pets
Bland diets for dogs: Bland foods and dogs with bland diet recipe
If you have a dog, there will come a time in his or her life when your vet will put them on a ‘bland diet’ or feed them or bland food, but what exactly does this consist of, and why do so? Read a little further if your pup has vomiting, diarrhea, or any other…
Is your dogs food causing mucus?
Why finding mucus in your dog’s stool is actually a good thing Yep, you read that right, if you see a small amount of mucus in your dog’s stool it’s a good thing because it is perfectly normal! Most mammals (humans included) will have a small amount of normal mucus in their poop. Mucus lubricates…
6 Things to do when your dog has diarrhea
You walk in from work only to notice that your pup has diarrhea but you can’t take him or her to the vet but you want to make sure you give them some help. Here are six things you can do immediately to help your dog with diarrhea. With the increased demand for veterinary services,…
7 safe over-the-counter medications for acute diarrhea & vomiting in dogs
When your dog has stomach problems like diarrhea or vomiting it can be worrisome but knowing what over-the-counter diarrhea medications you can give your dog will help tremendously. Many times when our dog has diarrhea or your dog vomits we want to ‘fix’ the situation immediately with over-the-counter diarrhea medications, but in some cases, it’s…