How to comfort a dog with pancreatitis at home
Updated 9/2023 As a veterinarian with a dog that has pancreatitis, I understand the need to know how to properly comfort your dog with pancreatitis. The main four goals of comforting your dog with pancreatitis are: Keep reading for 10 easy tips to keeping your dog comfortable if they have pancreatitis. Some aspects of treating…
Best Petco treats for dogs with chronic pancreatitis
I searched through the treats at a local Petco in search of treats for my little guy with pancreatitis and chose the best ones that I could find The scale takes into account added salts, unnatural preservatives, and fat content. I rated the treats on a scale from 5-20, with 20 being the best treat…
What a veterinarian feeds her dog with pancreatitis
I have one dog (Chi-Chi) that suffers from pancreatitis and another (Cha-Cha) that suffers from occasional IBS. Talk about a sore stomach! As a pet parent, I want to ensure my dogs are eating foods that will not aggravate their sensitive stomachs and since I have two dogs with gastrointestinal issues, I have to be…
Pancreatitis in Ferrets
Yes, ferrets can get pancreatitis and it turns out it may be a bit more common than most vets thought! Infectious, inflammatory, and endocrine diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, parasitic infection, diarrhea, or insulinoma are commonly diagnosed in ferrets, but somehow pancreatitis seems to remain overlooked in many cases. Although in the past scientist…
7 safe over-the-counter medications for acute diarrhea & vomiting in dogs
When your dog has stomach problems like diarrhea or vomiting it can be worrisome but knowing what over-the-counter diarrhea medications you can give your dog will help tremendously. Many times when our dog has diarrhea or your dog vomits we want to ‘fix’ the situation immediately with over-the-counter diarrhea medications, but in some cases, it’s…
6 Possible Complications of Pancreatitis
While it has been stated that at least 27% of dogs that suffer from bouts of pancreatitis die, the majority of pets go on to live happy, normal, and healthy lives. The prognosis depends on the extent of the disease and response to treatment. It can be quite troubling to find out your dog has…