
Valentine’s Day Saftey Tips for Cats and Dogs

Dog Valentines Day

Plan in advance

While you’re planning your holiday celebrations don’t forget to plan for your pet care.

Hopefully, you won’t need to use it but always have your 24/7 emergency veterinary clinic phone number, address, and the fastest route on hand. This will help keep some stress down in case you have to make that trip.

At the very least you should have the following information on hand:

  • Your veterinarian’s clinic phone number
  • 24/7 emergency veterinary clinic
  • ASPCA Poison Control Hotline: 1-888-426-4435

Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is a holiday meant for love and chocolates. As stated before many ingredients in our candies and cakes can be detrimental to our pets so make sure you keep them out of reach of your fur babies. Some things that may be detrimental to your pet are:

  • Candy especially chocolate
  • Xylitol (to read more about the dangers of xylitol click here)
  • Wrappers as these can sometimes serve as foreign bodies

Tips to keep your pet safe

1. Keep items out of reach

If you receive chocolates or other candies for Valentine’s Day make sure to keep them out of reach. Place them in a closed cabinet or in the refrigerator for safekeeping

2. Use a closed garbage

Even after you have eaten all of your goodies you still may not be out of the woods if your pets can get into the garbage. Unfortunately, the wrappers seem to be just as delicious as the actual treat to some pets.


  • Keep houseguest’s belongings out of reach. If your houseguests have things like purses and suitcases keep them out of reach of nosey pets as they can easily get into things like medications, gum (which can contain xylitol), and candy
  • Let your houseguests know that they are not to feed your pets any table food


Some scents are poisonous to cats, dogs, and birds. Liquid potpourri, some candles, air fresheners, and essential oils can cause severe harm to your pets so make sure your scents are pet-friendly before use

rose v day

I partnered with other bloggers to bring you the best care for your pets this holiday! Check them out if you want a fun and safe holiday season for your pets

3 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Saftey Tips for Cats and Dogs

  1. I hadn’t considered the issue of the Christmas tree water having toxic sap in it – thanks for that! Great advice.

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